Keynote Speakers
The Emerging Science of Complex Networks
Information is an increasingly important entity in the information society. Networks are the vehicles over which information is transported. We discuss the tools for characterizing the emerging complex networks and discuss their characteristics, especially in view of the fact that common user networks are being required to carry mission-critical information in an increasingly heterogeneous environment. We also posit that networks can be equipped to address the sometimes conflicting needs of privacy and security of its clients, in an equitable manner.
Pramode Verma, University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, USA. Pramode Verma is Director of the Telecommunications Engineering Program in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. He also holds the Williams Chair in Telecommunications Networking. Prior to joining the University of Oklahoma in 1999, Dr. Verma held a variety of professional and leadership positions in the telecommunications industry at AT&T Bell Laboratories and Lucent technologies. His last position with Lucent Technologies was as Managing Director, Business Development-Global Service Providers Business. Dr. Verma obtained his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada in 1970 and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1984. He is the author/co-author of over 100 publications and several books in telecommunications, computer communications, and related fields. He is a past president of the International Council for Computer Communication, a Washington D.C.-based global organization; a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, and is registered as a Professional Engineer, Province of Ontario, Canada. |
Green Wireless Networking: Sustainability Through Cooperation and Adaptation The seminar will introduce the challenges related to energy efficiency in wireless networks and describe how cooperation and adaptation could represent viable approaches to address the main issues. Concrete examples will be presented, taken from the current activities within the EU GREENET research project. Fabrizio Granelli, University of Trento, Italy. |
Leveraging the Information Society: accrual and exploitation of Big Data The talk addresses the growing importance of Big Data for really making the Information Society a reality. Data are now being created every minutes of our life and they are progressively aggregated. Most of them are either not accessible or when they are they may lead to problems (privacy, ownership, authenticity, ...). Many countries, and local institutions, have started Open Data Initiatives, aiming at guaranteeing the appropriate management of data and at the same time their availability. Telecom Operators are both data generators and data managers, Indeed, they can be major players in the Big Data sectors by providing the trust and technical innovation required for developing a sound marketplace for data. The talk will outline both the technical approaches for managing Big Data and the regulatory issues. It will bring as a concrete example the activities being carried out in the EIT ICT LABS Italy in the Trentino Open Data framework and the results obtained so far. It will also provide an overview of the studies being made by TIM Brasil and Telecom Argentina in this area.
Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia, Italy. |
3D Video Analysis for Immersive Interactive Virtual Services Continuous scientific and technological advances in a variety of different research fields mean that it is now possible to integrate research outputs towards technologies that support real-time realistic interaction between humans in 3D online virtual and immersive environments. This paradigm envisages an ambient, content-centric, highly flexible and secure Internet-based environment, where people can work, meet, participate in live events, socialise and share experiences, as they do in real life, but without time, space and affordability limitations. To achieve this goal, current research focuses on the integration of cutting-edge technologies related to 3D data acquisition, coding, autonomous avatars, networking, real-time rendering, physical interaction and emotional engagement in virtual worlds [1], [2].
Prof. Ebroul Izquierdo Ebroul Izquierdo, PhD, MSc, CEng, FIET, SMIEEE, MBMVA, is Chair of Multimedia and Computer Vision and head of the Multimedia and Vision Group in the school of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London, UK. For his thesis on the numerical approximation of algebraic-differential equations, he received the Dr. Rerum Naturalium (PhD) from the Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. He has been a senior researcher at the Heinrich-Hertz Institute for Communication Technology (HHI), Berlin, Germany, and the Department of Electronic Systems Engineering of the University of Essex.
Prof. Izquierdo is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow member of the The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the British Machine Vision Association, past chairman of the IET professional network on Information Engineering, member of the Visual Signal Processing and Communication Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and member of the Multimedia Signal Processing technical committee of the IEEE.
Prof. Izquierdo is or has been associated and guest editor of several relevant journals in the field including the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, the EURASIP Journal on Image and Video processing, the Elsevier journal Signal Processing: Image Communication, The EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, the IEE Proceedings on Vision, Image & Signal Processing, the Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications and the Journal of Multimedia. He has been member of the organizing committee of several conferences and workshops in the field of visual information retrieval. He has chaired special sessions and workshops in ICIP, ICASSP and ISCAS. He has been the general chair of the European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, London 2003 and Seoul 2006, the European Workshop for the integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Content, London 2004 and 2005, the Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference MobiMedia, Algero2006, the International Conference on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, London 2008 and the IET Conference on Visual Information Engineering, Xian 2008. Prof. Izquierdo has been involved in many EU funded projects dealing with the development of technologies for Multimedia indexing and retrieval including, Panorama, Cost211, SCHEMA, Sambits, aceMedia, MESH, Papyrus, RUSHES, PetaMedia, Sala+, SARACEN, NextMedia, Eternal, VideoSense, Reverie, Cubrik, Advise, etc. He has coordinated several other large cooperative projects including Cost292, BUSMAN, K-Space and 3DLife. Prof. Izquierdo currently head one of the largest research groups in Multimedia Signal Processing in the UK and over the last decade has made important contribution in the field of visual information retrieval. Prof. Izquierdo holds several patents in the area of multimedia signal processing and has published over 500 technical papers including chapters in books |